
Showing posts from July, 2023

Harmony's Quest

 In the tapestry of life, we once did dwell, Bound together, a symphony's sweet spell. But in the crowd, I felt alone, Left out, unheard, my voice unknown. I sought the solace of loyal embrace, With friends I thought would never erase, Yet as I turned my back on the rest, I found the journey was not so blessed. Each soul holds a place, unique and true, No one replaces, for me or for you. Through the passage of endless time, I lost some friends, a painful chime. Among these companions, steadfast and strong, They seemed united, where I belong. But my name lingered, a distant call, As if I remained behind a wall. Seeking harmony, my heart's desire, Between old bonds and new's bright fire. In this dance of life, I'll find my tune, Authentic, cherished, beneath the moon. As chapters turn, and stories weave, I'll embrace the cadence, learn to believe. In the symphony of life's grand art, I'll play my part with an open heart. 🎵🌌

"find title by yourself"

In the depths of my heart, I once held a steadfast belief, That we would traverse life's journey, hand in hand, with unyielding relief. But  in the blink of an eye, they departed my side, Leaving me bewildered, wounded, and hollow inside. If this cruel cycle must persist, this cycle of pain, Perhaps it is time to release these shackles and refrain. For it is unwise to tether my happiness to another's fleeting grace, I must grasp the reins of my own destiny, find solace in my own embrace. Through countless trials, a bitter truth unfolds, That trust, like fragile petals, easily withers and folds. Yet amidst the sorrow, a seed of strength takes root, To rely on myself, to find resilience absolute. No longer will I seek solace in the guise of another's care, Instead, I'll nurture the flames within, and kindle them with flair. For in the realm of self-reliance, I'll uncover a radiant light, A beacon of independence, a guide through the darkest night. And so, I bid farewe

Vanished Bonds

They used to befriend life, keeping it separate, Today, they flew away like the wind in this realm. They departed along with the moments in life, There was so much left to say, But before that, they changed just like that. Memories have faded, no complaints remain, Only the happiness of those moments lingers, That bestowed four days of rejuvenation. ............................................................................ ~ps